Frequently asked questions and concerns:
What is The Associates of Loch Raven Village, Inc. (ALRV)?
The ALRV is a community association. Its mission is to protect, maintain, and enhance the property values of homes in Loch Raven Village; to foster civic and recreational opportunities; and to govern compliance with the neighborhood covenants. It has no role in home sales in terms of providing documents for settlements and does not collect mandatory fees. Realtors and title attorneys should note, however, that the covenants run with the land and require homeowners to obtain the approval of the ALRV before making any changes to the exteriors of their homes. Approval in this regard does not excuse homeowners from obtaining the requisite building permit(s) and permission(s) from Baltimore County. Visit BaltimoreCountyMD.gov for additional information.
Is the ALRV a HOA?
The ALRV is not a HOA. It is a community association whose mission, purpose, and function are stated above.
How much are Membership dues, and what are they used for?
Membership dues are $40 yearly, $30 for seniors aged 65 or over. Residents pay dues because they want to support things like Dumpster Day, the Easter Egg Hunt, tree planting, community outreach, and other efforts to keep Loch Raven Village a great place to live. Additional sponsored activities and programs include Santa's Ride, Community Clean-up Days; the Halloween Parade; Decorating Contests, Holiday Decorations, our Website, Welcome Bags for new residents, and maintenance of the Community Garden.
When is Membership due, and how do I pay/join?
Membership runs from January 1st through December 31st of each year. Residents are free to pay dues beginning on January 1st. The ALRV’s Board of Directors includes reminders and payment forms in the Crier beginning in early spring. It’s easy to join! Just click here.
When do meetings of the ALRV take place, and am I welcome to attend?
Meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month at the Loch Raven Center; this can be subject to change, however, so be sure to check Events & News for updates. Meetings are open to all residents of Loch Raven Village. If you have a specific issue or topic you'd like to discuss, please advise the Board’s president in advance so that the agenda can be planned accordingly. Note: The ALRV does not meet in August, and the ALRV Annual Meeting takes place in April.
What procedures do I follow if I want to make changes to the exterior of my home, such as a new roof, deck, new front door, etc.?
You can find the ALRV Covenant Guidelines, and an online application for exterior changes, here. We also have a helpful illustration that explains many of the covenants visually.
Do I have to adhere to the covenants?
Yes. The covenants run with the land and are legally binding regardless of whether homeowners pay their membership dues or not. The covenants govern any and all proposed external changes to the homes in Loch Raven Village. Adherence to these covenants is required but does not excuse homeowners from obtaining the requisite building permit(s) and permission(s) from Baltimore County.
My windows don't have grids/mullions - do I need them? How do I add them?
Yes, every LRV home is required to have grids in all windows (basement windows excluded) per our covenants. This does not mean you need new windows - grids can be added to existing windows. ALRV has prepared and info sheet which you may find helpful: Adding Window Grids
I need to hire a plumber/electrician/roofer/etc. to work on my house. Can ALRV recommend someone?
The ALRV cannot make recommendations in this regard, but you can join the Loch Raven Village Residents' Facebook page. There, you are able to ask for a recommendation or search past posts for recommendations. Note: The Residents’ Facebook page is not administered by the ALRV.
I have a problem with a neighbor. Can the ALRV help with that?
The ALRV does not mediate disputes between neighbors. Friendly and polite neighbor-to-neighbor discussions regarding any problem(s) are encouraged. If these discussions ultimately are not successful, a complaint may be filed with Baltimore County Code Enforcement by calling 410-887-3351 or online at BaltimoreCountyMD.gov for additional information.
How do I file a complaint with Baltimore County Code Enforcement against a neighbor whose grass is overgrown or whose home is in extreme disrepair?
Visit BaltimoreCountyMD.gov. Many questions and phone numbers can be found online. Administrative Office 410-887-2460. Code Enforcement: 410-887-3351. Permit Approvals: Visit the County website for the specific type of permit needed as several contacts are listed. In addition to the suggestions outlined above, the ALRV also recommends using the “BALTCOGO” App, which may be used to “create a request” – i.e., report a problem, pictures and all - direct from your smartphone. You also may review past complaints here.
I want to rent my Loch Raven Village home. Do I need to register my property?
Yes, Baltimore County mandates that all rental properties be registered with the County prior to a tenant moving in. In addition, no more than two unrelated persons may reside in a rented home in Loch Raven Village. Information about registering a property for rental may be found online by visiting BaltimoreCountyMD.gov
How can I check to see if a property in Loch Raven Village is registered as a rental?
Registered rentals may be found online by visiting BaltimoreCountyMD.gov
How should I resolve issues regarding parking?
When issues arise, friendly and polite neighbor-to-neighbor discussions are encouraged. Filing a complaint with Baltimore County Code Enforcement and/or requesting that an automobile be towed should represent action of last resort.
What does Baltimore County Code say about parking?
Baltimore County Code states as follows: “Prohibited. A person may not stop, park, or leave standing a vehicle on any road or alley: (1) In front of or within 5 feet of the edge of any private driveway or parking area without the consent of the owner or occupant of the premises; or (2) In a manner that prevents free passage of vehicles or the movement of a lawfully parked vehicle to or from a driveway or parking area. (b) Parking in an alley. A person may not park, stop, or leave unattended a vehicle in any alley leaving less than 12 feet of clearance parallel to the vehicle. (c) Authority to tow a vehicle. (1) If a vehicle is parked, stopped, or left unattended in a manner that prevents or impedes the free passage of any other vehicle, the Chief of Police may tow the vehicle after making a reasonable attempt to locate the owner or, if the owner is known, the owner refuses to remove the vehicle.”
What can I do if I have an abandoned vehicle on my street?
Vehicles that have not moved for a long period of time, are not mobile (flat tires, major damage which makes them unroadworthy) and/or have expired plates can be "tagged" and removed from your street. If you have evidence of such a vehicle you can call the Abandoned Auto, Balt. Co. office at 410.887.7361 and file a report. You will need: street address or intersection, make of car, license plate number. The process is not immediate as the steps can take 3-4 weeks, so don't hesitate to begin the process.
How can I contact the ALRV/Board?
Visit the contacts page.